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that is disgusting as hell. never have sex with more than 1 partner. it's better to have sex with the one you really do love and want to spend the rest of your time with.

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Q: How can multiple sex partners affect you?
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Having multiple sex partners.

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What is sexual behaviour?

Erotic asphyxiation is a very high risk sexual activity. Some other high risk sexual behaviour is :- Having sex without using a condom Having sex without knowing your partners sexual history Having sex with multiple partners

Can you get HIV from uninfected multiple sexual partners?

Being promiscuous (having a lot of sexual partners) does not create HIV - you have to be infected by one of your partners (or by some other means on transmission). The fact that you are promiscuous (have a lot of sexual partners) does not significantly increase your risk of contracting HIV. The risk would arise if you were not having safer sex with them.

What is sexual risk behaviour?

Erotic asphyxiation is a very high risk sexual activity. Some other high risk sexual behaviour is :- Having sex without using a condom Having sex without knowing your partners sexual history Having sex with multiple partners

How many would be too many if a woman engaged in sex with multiple partners in one session?

Engaging in the practice of multiple partners in this way is not safe, and can get out of hand quickly with the recipient having no control. While some people have no compunction against group sex, and no judgment is intended, multiple partnersituations become unstable and dangerous, emotionally, and physically, as well as potentially damaging to any relationships.

What is high risk sexual behaviour?

Erotic asphyxiation is a very high risk sexual activity. Some other high risk sexual behaviour is :- Having sex without using a condom Having sex without knowing your partners sexual history Having sex with multiple partners

Can having more than one sex partner cause a woman's menstrual cycle to be off?

No, having multiple sexual partners has no impact on the menstrual cycle at all.The menstrual cycle is the reproductive cycle, it is controlled by hormonal changes within the reproductive organs and so sex does not change the cycle (unless the person falls pregnant). The menstrual cycle can't tell how many sexual partners a person has, nor would there be any reason for the menstrual cycle to change if a person has multiple sexual partners.

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What is a gangbang sexually?

Being on the receiving end of multiple sex partners. Gang bang implies it is consensual, but it can easily move to gang rape.

I want to have repetive sex with like 50 guys. How much is too much?

Having sex is a personal choice, how much in enough would be a better question. Have sex until you do not want to have sex anymore, but be sure to use protection and inform your partners that you are having sex with multiple people so they will understand both your relationship and the possible dangers of having so many partners.

What is promiscuity?

It means you "sleep around"... but don't do much sleeping.Having a sex life with multiple partners, often ones who are barely known to you.