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always ALWAYS use your name the same on everything that is associated with credit and that itin number and when you get a social have the records combined to not lose your credit history established with the itin

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Q: How can you get credit score in your credit card using ITIN?
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does using my credit card improve my credit score or damage my credit score?

Using your credit card can go both ways! If you choose not to pay your bills on time, you will recieve bad credit. If you pay all your bills on time, I'm certain you will have a squeaky clean credit!

Does my corporate card affect my credit score?

Yes. Any credit card that you associate with yourself will effect your credit. if you do well with the card then you will improve your credit. it is best to always be careful when using any credit card.

Does it hurt your credit if a credit card company closes your acouunt because you aren't using the credit card?

No. It will show on a credit report as an account closed due to inactivity. It has no effect on your credit score.

What are the benefits of using a credit card debt service?

A primary benefit is the improving of credit score for an individual. By keeping good credit, the score goes up and helps immensely in important life acquisitions such as car leases, house payments, etc. Banks will be more likely to offer good loans if the person's credit score is high, and a high credit score may be achieved in part by using a credit card debt service.

What is Vanquis and can they help with credit scores?

vanquis is basicly a credit card company that will give you a credit card regardless of your credit score. you will be able to get a credit card and will allow you to get a better credit score

Does your credit score go down if you do not use your credit card?

Generally, no, your credit score will not be reduced if a credit card that you own is not being used. You don't, however, want to cancel the card - cancelling a credit card (whether voluntary or forced by the issuer) does reduce your credit score.

If you pay off a credit card balance is it bad your my credit report?

not always, depends on your credit situation. keep using and paying off your credit card every month to improve your credit score

How do you get your credit score without a credit card?

There's no need to have a credit card to get your credit score. You can use various web based services in order to get your credit score for free -- no credit card required. See the source links for links to sites that can help provide more information on checking your credit score.

You dont have a credit card can you still get your credit score?

If you have never bought anything on credit, you do not have a credit score.

What are the requirements of applying for a credit card?

There are many requirements to applying for a credit card. The biggest requirement is having a good credit score. Without a good credit score, one cannot get a credit card.

To improve my credit score do I have to pay off debt?

Having a credit card and using it responsibly can help improve your credit score. It is recommended that you don't spend more than 30% of your credit limit. Also taking out an installment loan and making your payments on time, and paying down your credit card balances also helps your score.

How can someone apply for a credit card at a bank?

You can apply for a credit card at a bank by approaching the bank locally and asking to receive an application for a credit card. You can also apply online to a variety of banks that will determine if you are eligible as well as how much the credit card will have on it by using your credit score.