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Not quite sure what you mean, but I'm guessing that you shook or churned some cream and got curdy lumps of butter? If so, you just have to strain the butter to drain off the leftover liquid (whey). It will still have some milk solids within it, and there are a few ways to get rid of those so the butter is more pure and less wet. Some people put the butter in a sieve or bowl and wash it with very cold water to remove the milk and make the butter more firm. Then you can drain it and press it into a single mass. butter lasts a lot longer if you get the milk off of it. You can also knead or press the cold butter to get more liquid out: there are tools for this that look like wooden blocks with grooves all over one side, so you can press the butter and make the leftover liquid trickle out.

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Q: How can you separate butter butter from curd?
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By which method you can separate butter from curd?

Butter is made from cream that came from a cow, along with milk that you can eventually drink.

Name the technique to separate butter from curd?

The industrial method is based on the centrifugation of milk.

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you can enjoy a scone with sweet butter, clotted cream, or fresh lemon curd:)

Is curd cold or hot in nature?

Thick curd produces body heat after consuming. Butter Milk cools your body.

Which separation techniques will apply for the separation of butter from curd?

centrifugation force.

What is principle of curd making?

Add previous day butter milk to milk taken in bowl keep it in rest till curd is formed

What can cows milk be used for?

butter, cheese, curd, whey, milk shakes, drinking?

How will you separate cream from curd?

You don't separate crream from curd, you separate whey from curd. Cream is skimmed from the top of milk as it sits and the cream floats to the top. Then the milk is used to make curds and whey by adding a curdling agent like rennet. The curds form and the clear liquid they float in is whey. Then you can strain the curds from the whey by pouring them through cheese cloth.

Is curd good for typhoid?

Compare to curd, butter milk is good, provided you are not allergical. It help to digest and as intestine in typhoid are get weak, it is good to take in average qty. Also note that it should be fresh, so the cold trouble can be avoided.

Is butter a mineral?

No. Butter is a food by-product from churning milk to separate the fats.

What is creamy curd?

creamy curd is curd that is creamy