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Papyrus was used to make paper in ancient Egypt. The papyrus was very valuable because it allowed the people of Egypt to keep records and write down histories.

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What kind of fabric did the egyptians use to make scrolls?

Papyrus which they made out of a plant called papyrus. How creative is that?

What plant did egyptians use to make paper?

Papyrus a type of reed found close to the shore all along the Nile River

What did the Egyptians use the papyrus plant for?

To manufacture a scroll on which they wrote.

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They used papyrus - a fairly thick, paper-like material made from the papyrus plant.

What did the ancient Egyptians use papyrus for?

the egyptians used papyrus to write on.papyrus was derived from a plant and it was used instead of paper Papyrus or paper reed (Cyperus papyrus) is a plant used by the ancient Egyptians to make paper much the same way as we do today.

Do egyptians use scrollls or books?

Ancient Egyptians primarily used papyrus scrolls for writing. These scrolls were made from the papyrus plant found along the Nile River. However, in more modern times, Egyptians use books like people in other parts of the world.

What paper like material did the Egyptians make and use to write on?

They used papyrus paper made from pressed and dried stalks of the papyrus plant

What paper-what paper-like material did the Egyptian make and use to write on?

They used papyrus paper made from pressed and dried stalks of the papyrus plant

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What plant did Ancient Egypt use to make paper?

They used a plant called papyrus that grows along the Nile River.

What paper like material did the ancient egyptians make and use to write on?

The ancient Egyptians used a material called papyrus to write on. Papyrus is a type of paper-like material made from the pith of the papyrus plant, which was abundant in the Nile Delta. The plant's stem was sliced into thin strips, then layered and pressed together to create sheets that could be written on.

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