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Test depth for U.S. boats was between 250' and 400' depending on the boat class.

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Q: How deep could a us ww2 submarine dive?
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Where was the area of German submarine activity?

Any sea lanes.Ans 2 - The primary area of German submarine activity in WW2 was the North Atlantic Ocean.

Can you visit a submarine in Philadelphia?

YES - you can visit the WW2 submarine USS Becuna in Philadelphia's Penn's Landing park. -there is also an old cruiser, USS Olympia

Who used the submarine warfare?

During WW2, all the major countries involved used submarines.

Did a british submarine HMS Sidon sink in the pacific in ww2?

No; the only British submarine named HMS Sidon sank as a result of an accidental torpedo explosion in 1944, in Portland Harbour, England.

What German ship was used in World War 2?

The most famous of all of the German boats in WW2 was the U-boat, it was a kind of submarine that fired torpedo's and a ship before it could see it or even know that an enemy was nearby.

Does the US Navy still use dive bombers?

No - dive bombers of WW2 vintage were primarily used for more pinpoint bombing accuracy; the precision laser-guided munitions of the modern Navy make that tactic obsolete.

What is a uboat?

U-Boat was the name used by the Allies for German submarines particularly during WW2. U-Boat stood for Unterseeboot, the German for submarine. Unterseeboot was actually a general term for submarines.Answer: An undersea boat or submarine. Also can be known as a German Submarine.A U-Boat or "unter see boot" is the German name for a submarine.

What were kamiazes?

First of all, they're kamikazes.They were Japanese bombers during WW2 that would dive into buildings to kill people.Put simply, they were suicide bombers

What role did unrestricted submarine warfare have on the us during world war 1?

In WW1, the German policy of unrestricted submarine warfare irritated neutral nations such as the United States and eventually helped public opinion to support the US entry into the war. In WW2 the German policy of unrestricted submarine warfare in the Atlantic irritated nominally neutral nations such as the United States and provided a rationale for increasing US support of Britain and its allies. In WW2 the American policy of unrestricted submarine warfare in the Pacific probably contributed to the degradation of Japanese economic capabilities as the war progressed.

Who developed the First sonar for World war 2?

The Royal Navy had Asdic for submarine detection. Initially it was quite primitive. I'm thinking Sonar, as such, is more recent than WW2.