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Q: How did shang king rule over there large kingdom?
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When did the zhou dynasty rule over the Shang Dynasty?

It didn't because the zhou was the king of the shang dynasty

What was an achievement of Shang Dynasty?

The Shang Dynasty was established by King Tang in 1675 BC after overthrowing the tyrannical rule of Jie, (the last emperor of the Xia Dynasty). The Shang Dynasty lasted over 600 years and was led by 30 different emperors.

What do you call someone who rules over a kingdom?

Someone who rules over a kingdom is called a queen or king.A monarch will rule over a kingdom. A monarch is a king or queen.

Examples of natural order sentence?

The king's vast kingdom is over there.The vast kingdom is there

What does it mean to be a king?

to be a ruler over others and, rule a kingdom.

What is a person such as a queen or king who reighns over a kingdom or empire is called?

If it's a kingdom, they're a King or a Queen. If it's an empire, they're an Emperor or Empress.

What do you call someone who rule a kingdom?

a territory ruled over by a King, or a Queen in the case of the UK

What is a word for one who reigns over a kingdom?

"Royal", "his Majesty", "Regent" or "his highness"

Who reigns over a kingdom or empire's?

it depends actually... A King rules over an kingdom. I'm pretty sure an Emperor would rule over an empire, but I could be wrong...

What created the kingdom of kerma?

King tut built it over his trusty steves

Who is the person on the Hawaii quarter?

It is King Kamehameha I who ruled over the Kingdom of Hawai'i from 1782 to 1819