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He put oil in water to kill the mosquitoes.

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Q: How did William Gorgas defeat yellow fever?
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Who fought yellow fever?

William C. Gorgas

Which physician wiped out yellow fever in Cuba?

William Crawford Gorgas

Who solved the problems of malaria and yellow fever in Cuba?

William Gorgas, with the help of the work of Carlos Finlay and William Reed studies on the spread of Yellow Fever through mosquitoes.

What deadly disease cost many workers their lives before Dr. William Gorgas found a treatment?

yellow fever

Who helped wipe out yellow fever in panama?

Dr Gorgas.

Wood and Gorgas were both concerned with controlling yellow fever?


What was the name of the American doctor who first traced yellow fever to mosquitoes?

Dr.Walter Reed discovered that yellow fever is carried by mosquitos

Was Wood and Gorgas were both concerned with controlling yellow fever?

Yes. They were both devoted to curing the plague.

Who fought yellow fever in Panama?

Research on how to cure yellow fever was conducted by many independent doctors including my ancestor Dr. Samuel A. Mudd. Though one of the most famous doctors known for researching Yellow Fever was a Cuban doctor named Carlos Finlay. Now for your question, William Gorgas, a physician was most well known for helping fight yellow fever in Panama.

Who won the battle against the mosquito in the panama canal zone?

Dr. William Gorgas conducted experiments on mosquito transmission of yellow fever . He was sent to Panama in 1904 and he eradicated yellow fever from the Canal Zone and brought malaria under control, winning the battle against mosquitoes.

What deadly disease cost many workers their lives before Dr William Gorgas found?

Malaria killed many workers on the Panama Canal. However, when Dr William Gorgas discovered that mosquitoes transmitted malaria and yellow fever, he was assigned the task of eliminating this threat for worker through fumigation of mosquito infested areas.

How did they fight the diseases such as yellow fever and malaria?

If you mean long ago, they didn't have antibiotics or vaccines so they had to treat the symptoms. This means to give something to bring down the fever, etc. Both malaria and yellow fever are carried by mosquitoes. That meant protecting people from them by draining standing water and using mosquito nets. Now there are vaccines for yellow fever and malaria.