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Military theorist Carl Von Clausewitz graded the quality of a battlefield victory on several factors. For him the value or the degree of a battlefield victory depended on whether the skill of the winning general was able to outflank the enemy. He also placed emphasis on whether the rough terrain impacted the results of the battle and what army had the superior cavalry.

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Q: How did military theorist Carl Von Clausewitz grade the quality of a battle victory?
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What was the criteria given to the value to battlefield victories by military theorist Clausewitz?

Military theorist Carl Von Clausewitz assigned different values to battlefield victories based on certain criteria. For example, a victory where the enemy was outflanked, was one factor in his value system. Also, other elements included the terrain, numerical strength of the opposing armies and how cavalry factored into the victory.

What did military theorist Carl Von Clausewitz believe was the best way to gain a decisive victory against an enemy?

Military theorist Carl Von Clausewitz wrote extensively about warfare, its tactics and strategies. He was aware of how difficult it was to obtain a decisive victory against an enemy based on his experience with the Prussian wars in Europe. For Clausewitz, the keys to destroying an enemy army were often built around advancing and assaulting an enemy with maximum speed to damage the enemy's main army and then to aggressively pursue the enemy's retreating forces.

How did military theorist Carl Von Clausewitz define the total defeat of an enemy?

In its most basic form, Carl Von Clausewitz defined the total defeat of an enemy as military operations that were not necessarily political, although the defeat of the enemy would have political effects. But before the political ramifications were realized, Clausewitz defined total victory as the destruction of the enemy's armies and the conquest of its territory.

What were sime of the ways military theorist Carl von Clausewitz determined the importance of a battle?

Carl von Clausewitz determined the importance or significance of a battle on the so-called "degree" of victory. In his view a victory was significant if the losing enemy's army had been outflanked, the terrain of the battle, the number of troops the winner had and the effectiveness of the winner's cavalry.

How would military theorist Carl von Clausewitz deal with the difficult situation the South faced in 1863?

Not withstanding the Confederate victory at the Battle of Chickamauga in the Fall of 1863, the South had major setbacks such as in the Battle of Gettysburg. Military theorist Carl von Clausewitz anticipated such a situation when he was involved in the Napoleonic wars in Europe. His writings can be said to fit the situation the Confederacy faced in 1863. Clausewitz wrote that when a weaker force is forced to fight against unfavorable odds, its lack of troops had to be compensated for by a renewed effort to continue on. Faced with possible total defeat, the weaker army had to use the inner strength that the danger by the superior army forced upon them. Clausewitz advised that if the increase of vigor was combined with a prudent limitation in objectives, the weaker army would be able to weather the storm and rebuild itself into a force to be reckoned with. By keeping on the tactical defensive, the South was able to continue on well into 1864.

What did military theorist Carl Von Clausewitz describe as the center of gravity in wars against France in the 18th century?

Former Prussian officer and publisher of books on warfare emphasized that a decisive victory usually hinged upon destroying the enemy's "center of gravity". He considered these as the enemy's power base and in Prussia's conflicts with France, Paris and the French army were deemed to be the centers of gravity that if destroyed, created the scenario for a decisive victory.

What does it meansThere is no victory at bargain basement prices Dwight D Eisenhower?

Clausewitz says "Blood is the price of victory." Ike is saying the cost of victory (in blood and treasure) will not be cheap.

What key factor was absent from the works of military theorists Clausewitz and Johmini?

After the Union victory at the Battle of Shiloh, General Halleck made a remarkable 150 mile advance into Confederate territory. Based on several negative factors such as advancing within the enemy's homeland, neither military theorists Clausewitz or Johmini never would have believed a rapid advance would be possible. These men failed to take into consideration the fact that by using waterways and gunboats, Halleck was able to make a rapid advance.

What would military theorist Clausewitz see as the measure the success of the North or the South in the US Civil War?

For Carl Von Clausewitz, the military success of the North and the South depended on the political object of the war. The North would have a more difficult task in that its objective could only be the complete suppression of the Confederate States of America. This tough objective would be increased in that the maximum effort of the South would come into play. The South would be "destroyed" with a Union victory and therefore the Union could expect the maximum defense on the part of the South. It was clear that early in the war, the North saw a quick and easy victory.The South, on the other hand sought its political survival. All measures possible would need to be taken.It should also be noted that Clausewitz believed that the destruction of the Confederate army was the No. 1 necessity. Since the Union was faced with the fact that the Confederates could not be defeated in the field, the North's only recourse was to deny the enemy's access to supplies. This of course would make the war longer and it did.

What conclusion about the use of U.S. military power would be most logically drawn from the experience of the Vietnam War?

A stronger military does not guarantee victory.

What did Carl Von Clausewitz believe was the final step to make a battlefield victory a complete success?

For Carl Von Clausewitz, a battlefield victory would not be a complete success without an effective pursuit of a retreating enemy. The introduction of the rifle after Clausewitz's death deprived the cavalry of the full pursuit that was possible in the Napoleonic Era. Rear guards of armies in the US Civil War era could use the rifle to mitigate the pursuit of cavalry. Rough terrain would also aid a retreating forces especially if the battle zones were in home territory.

What is the difference between military victory and political victory?

A political is won thru capturing the mind. A military victory is winning with force or death, capturing terra firma and resources