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a. Panned for it (done by taking a bowl and scooping up dirt at the bottom of a river and shaking it to get the water and dirt to come out)

b. found it on the ground

c. found a nugget in the river

d. mined for it (this was mainly done by americans, but the Chinese did too, and they were much more efficient than the americans.

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Q: What did the Oregon pioneers find?
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What is the name of the route that pioneers used to travel to Oregon?

The Oregon Trail is the route that pioneers used to travel to Oregon.

When did the pioneers settle in Oregon?

The pioneers arrived in the oregon territory in september or october. It took 6 months to get to the oregon teritory

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What was the path that the pioneers followed into the Oregon country?

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The pioneers reached their destination, oregon city in the 1870s and started in 1843. The pioneers suffered death, starvation, disease.

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What path was called that the pioneers followed into Oregon country?

the Oregon trail

Why did pioneers travel on the Oregon trail?

Pioneers wanted to go to Oregon to get free farmland, adventure, and better living conditions

Oregon Trail?

a route from Independence, Missouri, to Oregon City, Oregon, used by pioneers traveling to the Oregon Territory

Did pioneers need rope when they were traveling to Oregon?

Yes, pioneers would have needed rope.

What did pioneers use to make a fire on the Oregon Trail?

Pioneers use to make a fire with wood. Wood was very hard to find on the Oregon Trail, so pioneers mostly used Buffalo Chips (dried buffalo poop.)

Which trail did the pioneers travel?

The pioneers traveled on Hacker's Trail, better known as The Oregon Trail.