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They believed that all humans were precious creations of God and therefore it was ungodly to wrongfully take the life of another.

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Q: What are the Quakers teachings about war?
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Do Quakers contribute to war effort?

the Quakers are very much anti-war.

Why didn't the Quakers fight in the war?

Because they were pacifists, meaning that they opposed war.

Why did the Quakers did not support the American Revolution?

Quakers did not believe in war.

What do Quakers think about war?

They believe that any violence for any reason is wrong, just as Jesus taught. Most people who call themselves Christians do not follow Jesus' teachings in this regard.

Who apposed the Iraq war?

The Quakers

What did Quakers do in the civil war?


Do Quakers think war is ok?

Quakers think war is a very terrible idea and that conflicts should be solved with peace treaties.

Why do the Quakers not like war?

Quakers feel that it is fundamentally wrong to wound or kill other people.

What did the Quakers think about independence and the Revolutionary War?

Quakers have always been against wars and violence. So they would have disagreed with any type of killing or war.

Who were the northerners who opposed war?

Usually, most Quakers, which is a very strict religion, opposed war and violence. I believe that their were Quakers in the south. Not sure, but I hope this helped!

Why didn't the Quakers participate in the war?

Because they were pacifists, meaning that they opposed war.

How were the Quakers affected by the American Revolution?

The Quakers were Pasifists. They did not agree with war in general or with using war for independence. It didn't help their own peace that a good portion of the war was fought in their safe haven of Pennsylvania.