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More change came with the introduction of the sulfite and chlorine processes used to turn trees into paper.

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Q: How did the use of trees replace hemp in the production of paper?
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How are paper plates made?

Paper plates are made of paper. Paper used in making paper plates is made of mainly wood material.

Why is hemp better than cutting down trees?

Hemp has an insane amount of uses. One of them just so happens to be in the creation of paper. So instead of messing up an entire forest and cause ecological damage, simply grow a hemp farm and you have a renewable source of paper that has no drawbacks.

Can hemp paper be recycled?

Yes, paper can be made of many different fibers, wood, cotton, hemp, cloth, and recycled paper. So paper made from hemp can be recycled.

How does hemp help your environment?

Hemp is a naturally grown plant with the power to be a more eco-friendly alternative to many things we use in today's world, including clothing, paper, rope, and even food! It is better for the environment, especially on the paper side, hemp grows every season (which is a lot quicker than trees!), it also produces more oxygen than trees do.

Why are hemp plants illegal?

Hemp is one of the world's most useful plants. Its uses range from paper to fuel, and it could replace many environmentally destructive products. For thousands of years hemp has been used as a food, to make clothing, as a medicine and as a drug. It can be turned into plastics and made into petroleum without producing sulphur, thus reducing CO2 in the atmosphere. Until 1883, 75 to 90% of all paper in the world was made from hemp. Due to difficulties harvesting it in large quantities, hemp fell out of favour as a profitable crop in the late 1800s, until an automated harvester was developed in the 1930s. In the intervening years, many industries were developed to take over hemp's role in production: oil was drilled from the ground, trees were used for paper and new sources of cloth were developed. Many of the companies involved now had a vested interest in making hemp illegal. The United States was the first country to introduce laws to destroy hemp plants, regardless of their intended use. That law was the result of political pressure exerted by the forestry industry and the Dupont corporation, which had just patented oil and coal based plastics production.

What is writing materials especially paper and envelopes consist of?

Writing materials like paper and envelopes are typically made from wood pulp obtained from trees. The pulp is processed, bleached, and pressed into sheets for paper and envelopes. Sometimes, recycled materials or alternative fibers like cotton or hemp may also be used in the production of these items.

Is it correct to say that paper is made from plants?

Even in Hemp plant they take the Hemp fibre for making papers.

What would the US be if Marijuana was completely legal for everybody?

Better off. Billions of dollars are spent every year trying to keep it illegal, the make marijuana plant called hemp can replace trees in products like paper and rope, and marijuana would replace many harmful and addictive pharmaceutical prescription drugs.

What connection is there between the Declaration of Independence and hemp?

In 1776, the Declaration of Independence was drafted on hemp paper.

What was the declaration of independence written?

Hemp paper.

What will going green change?

using hemp or marijuania to make fuel, concrete, paper, food, soil enrichment, and medicine, good for the environment no fossil fuels, no more cutting trees for paper, use for food great nutrients in hemp, good for soil enrichment, use for medicine bronchitis, pain reliever etc.

Can hemp be used to make toilet paper?

Yes of course. You can make over 50,000 products out of hemp