

How did uranus get tilted on its side?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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9y ago

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Uranus is tilted on its side because of violent impact that knocked Uranus off kilter some time ago. Uranus is tilted by 98 degrees.

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How many degrees is Uranus tilted on its side?

It's tilted 90 degrees.

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that is Uranus who's axis is tilted so it spins on it's side.

What is different about Uranus?

Uranus is a big green ball of Gas. It is tilted on its side.

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Well first of all, since the planets are almost perfect spheres, they have no 'sides'.You're probably thinking of Uranus, whose axis of rotation is tilted of 97.77°, andso is approximately parallel with the plane of the Solar System.

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Uranus's tilt of Axial is unusual because Uranus is tilted on it's side

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Planet Uranus, it is tilted on its side by 98 degrees.

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Uranus is has an orbit that is tilted significantly more than the other planets. Uranus is basically tilted on it's side during orbit.

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This is not actually the case. All of the planets are tilted. Uranus just happens to be tilted more than any of the others. The Earth, for example is actually tilted 23.5 degrees from the vertical. Uranus is tilted 98 degrees from the vertical, making its north pole point towards the sun.

What was found on Uranus because of strange pattern?

scientist discovered that Uranus was hit over by a massive object that tilted the planet over. because of that Uranus is tilted almost 90 degrees and lies on it side !