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The most common theory and probably the most valid is that they used a ramp whether it was a straight ramp or a spiralling ramp is not clear. They loaded the block onto a sledge which they hauled along a trackway laid with planks. To overcome friction oil or water was poured on the runners.

Ancient Assyrian relief carvings at the site of ancient Nineveh show slaves hauling a large statue of a man headed bull on a sledge. These reliefs are much more recent than the pyramids (c.700BC) so it quite possible that the Assyrians learnt this method of transporting large objects off the Egyptians.

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they dragged them up on sledges pulled by gangs of slaves most likely up a ramp

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Q: How did the workers get the blocks to the top of the pyramid?
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How many blocks were used in a pyramid?

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What are casing blocks and why aren't they part of the pyramid today?

Casing Blocks were laid on top of the main blocks used to build a pyramid. They were trimmed so the outer surface would be smooth and the same color. They are no longer used today, because pyramids are no longer being built.

How might the blocks have been brought to the top of the pyramids?

Blocks were most likely transported to the top of pyramids using ramps made of mud, brick, or limestone. Workers would have used sledges and ropes to drag the blocks up these ramps from the quarry to the construction site. It is thought that multiple ramps may have been used to reach higher levels as the pyramid construction progressed.

Do you have Pictures of how a pyramid is built?

I do not have the ability to display images, but you can easily find pictures or diagrams of how a pyramid is built by doing a quick search online. Pyramids were constructed by stacking huge stone blocks on top of each other, gradually decreasing in size as they reached the top. Workers used ramps to transport the heavy blocks and place them in position, with the final layer typically being covered with smooth limestone casing stones.

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What are casing blocks and aren't they part of the pyramid today?

Casing Blocks were laid on top of the main blocks used to build a pyramid. They were trimmed so the outer surface would be smooth and the same color. They are no longer used today, because pyramids are no longer being built.

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How many Pyramid blocks were in 1 Pyramid?

about 2,300,000

How many blocks in a pyramid?

The Great Pyramid in Egypt has over 2.3 million limestone blocks in it's structure. This is the largest pyramid in the world.

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