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A different times throughout the days, a question would appear on the website. The answer to the question would be be added to a URL and you would be taken to the website to register.

The day 5 question was:

"What is the house number of the Headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix in Grimmauld Place? Multiple this number by 21."

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Q: How did you find the Day 5 clue during the Pottermore Magic Quill Challenge?
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When was the Day 6 clue released during the Pottermore Magic Quill Challenge?

August 5, 2011

When was the Day 5 clue released during the Pottermore Magic Quill Challenge?

August 4, 2011

When was the Day 3 clue released during the Pottermore Magic Quill Challenge?

August 2nd 2011.

Where were the clues during the Pottermore Magic Quill Challenge?

The clues were on the Pottermore website in the middle of the page. They appeared at different times throughout the seven days.

Where was the quill during the Pottermore Magic Quill Challenge?

Each day a new clue was released which, if answered correctly, led to one of Pottermore's partner websites. The quill would be hidden somewhere on the main page of that website.

How do you join Pottermore after the Magic Quill Challenge has ended?

You have to wait until it opens in October.

Where do you find the Magic Quill on Pottermore?

You are no longer able to find the magical quill, as the challenge has ended. You had to answer the question correctly in order to find the quill.

What time was the Day 2 clue released during the Pottermore Magic Quill Challenge?

The clue on day 2 was released at 9am GMT.

What time did the clue change during the Pottermore Magic Quill Challenge?

They were released at different times everyday to allow for different schedules and timezones.

Where was the quill on Day 4 of the Pottermore Magic Quill Challenge?

The quill was located on the registration page. On day 4 of the challenge, an error meant users were redirected straight to the Sony site instead of searching for the quill. This was fixed after a few minutes.

How do you enter the Pottermore beta website?

There was no separate website for Pottermore beta testing. To access it you had to successfully complete the Magic Quill Challenge. The site is now open to all.