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When you arrived here did you take the lift or climb the stairs?

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Q: How did you get in here did you take the lift or climb the stairs how can i say this correctly and better?
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How gto get to mount pillar in Pokemon pearl?

1F: Entering Mt. Coronet from route 207, go north and east across the water. Go south (don't jump the ledge) and then right. Use rock climb to go north, then take the stairs to the next area. 2F: Go north, then left, then south, then left, then north (up the stairs), then left (across the bridge), then south, then right (down the stairs), then north (up two sets of stairs), then right (across the bridge), then south (down the stairs but not down the ledges), then left, then north (down the stairs), then left (up the stairs), then north into the next area. 2F/B: Go north (up the stairs) and then right, into the next area. 3F: Go right then immediately north (up the stairs). Defeat the Galactic Grunt and then go left. Then go south (defeating the next grunt) and into the next area. Outside: Go right (taking the stairs to the north if you don't want to battle) then go north. Use rock climb to get to the next level. Go left then south (take the stairs if you wish to battle) then left then north (up the stairs if you didn't before), into the next area. 4F: Go north and use rock climb to go to the next level, then head right (defeating the grunt). Then head south (defeating the grunt then going down the stairs) and then to the right, exiting yet again. Outside: Follow the path (north then right then north) then go down the stairs to the left. Go north, pass the cavern entrance, and rock climb to the left. Go left then north (down the stairs) then left (down two stairs and up one stairs) then north then left then south and enter the cavern to the right. 4F/B: From here on, it's a straight path to follow. Good luck!

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Type your answer here... The word stairs comes from the latin word stalus because one of my teachers told me.

How do you delete stairs on the Sims 2?

Here Is How.... Hold Control And Click On The Stairs While Holding Control And Then In The Bottom Right Corner There Will Be An Option To Delete The Stairs! Hope U Enjoy! Thanks :)

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Do you mean victory road? To get through victory road,you should buy repels and have rock climb, surf, strength, rock smash and waterfall. Now you should go. Here's a guide: Cross bridge, cross bridge, cross bridge, Rock climb, west, up stairs, fight trainer, north, up stairs, up stairs. Smash the south rock, head south. Use strength. Move northeast boulder down, move north boulder west and last boulder south 2x. Head west. fight trainer, Move west most boulder down once. Run around and smash rock. Move boulder again north 2x. East, follow path. Smash the rock. fight trainer, Move northern most boulder east, head north, fight trainer, down stairs. Cross bridge, rock climb, west, north, follow path, fight trainer down stairs. Down stairs, down stairs, surf east, surf north, fight trainer, waterfall, follow water path, surf again, follow water path, up stairs. West, take first path south, south, east, rock climb, north, cave exit.

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