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Q: How do buffers in your blood maintain homeostasis?
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How do acids help maintain homeostasis?

Buffers help maintain homeostasis by neutralizing acids and bases

What substances regulate an organisms pH so it can maintain homeostasis?

There are three major systems that control pH levels. They are the respiratory system, the chemical and physiological buffering system, and the urinary system.

How does system help the maintain homeostasis?

There are two ways that the respiratory system maintain homeostasis. These are through gas exchange and regulation of blood pH.

How do kidneys work with other body systems maintain homeostasis?

the nutrients and blood moving around helps with homeostasis.

How do kidneys work with other body systems to maintain homeostasis?

The kidneys work with other body systems to maintain homeostasis by filtering pollutants from the body. The kidneys filter blood which nourishes all of the systems of the body.

How does repiatory system maintain homeostasis?

The maintenance of a consistent internal environment is called homeostasis. The lungs help maintain homeostasis by regulating blood pH and gas regulation by eliminating carbon dioxide as a waste product.

Which system drives blood through the body in order to maintain homeostasis?


What is an example of a positive feedback to maintain homeostasis?

blood clotting labor contractions

How does the blood help maintain homeostasis in the body?

I don't know I guess cause it observes it

Does blood help maintain homeostasis in the body?

I don't know I guess cause it observes it

In inhaling what will happen to maintain homeostasis?

Oxygen enters the blood to become available to cells.

Does the skeletal system maintain homeostasis?

the skeletal system plays an important role in regulating blood calcium levels to maintain homeostasis.It gives calcium to the blood