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by the pooop of the animalsss!:)


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Q: How do carnivores get their nutrition?
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What is the nutrition of lions?

Lions are strictly carnivores (meat eaters).

Do weasles eat eggs?

Weasels (members of the family Mustelidae) are carnivores. Eggs are high in protein, and are an excellent source of nutrition for the carnivore diet.

Can you feed bread to a betta?

No. They're carnivores, so they don't get any nutrition from it, and bread will swell up in their stomach and cause them to lose control of their bouyancy.

Do ferrets eat plants or berries?

Neither. Ferrets are obligate carnivores which means they can only eat meat and derive all necessary nutrition from meat.

Are cats canivors?

Yes, cats are carnivores. Cats need to get the nutrition from large amounts of animal based proteins. For example cats eat mice or birds.

Are parasites carnivores?

By definition, a parasite lives within or on a host and derives its nutrition at the expense of the host. By definition, a carnivore is a meat eater, meaning that it derives its nutrition from animal flesh. Therefore, not all parasites would be carnivores, as some parasites do not consume animal flesh, but rather obtain nutrients from what the host consumes (i.e. an adult tapeworm living in the intestine).However, there are parasites that do consume host tissue (i.e. a hookworm) and therefore, by a technicality, these can be considered carnivores. However, the term isn't traditionally used to describe parasites.

What is the mode of nutrition of Phylum Arthropoda?

Phylum Arthropoda exhibits primarily heterotrophic nutrition, obtaining nutrients by consuming other organisms or organic matter. Most arthropods are classified as omnivores, herbivores, or carnivores depending on their feeding habits. Some arthropods also engage in parasitic or symbiotic relationships to obtain nutrients.

Is a dog an omnivore with carnivore tendency or a vegetarian?

Dogs are carnivores by nature. Some dogs can eat vegetable matter on occasion, but the amount of nutrition they gain from plants is minimal compared to meat.

Are ferrets ominivors?

Definitely not. Ferrets are obligate carnivores which means they derive all necessary nutrition from meat. They do not have a cecum to process carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, grains) and eating these items have no benefit.

Are Chihuahuas Omnivores?

It's currently being discussed if dogs are to be considered as carnivores or omnivores. They need to eat mostly meat, but can digest and gain some nutrition from fruits and vegetables too.

Are amphibians carnivores?

Some could be, it depends on which specific amphibian you're talking about. I would assume most amphibians are carnivores. I read that all frogs are carnivores, and frog species take up most of the amphibian population.

Are lions herbivores or carnivores?

Lions are carnivores.