

How do lions raise their cubs?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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12y ago

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the treat it just like we do but our mothers bon't grab us by our back fat and carry us with her teeth.

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Q: How do lions raise their cubs?
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No not at all. Lions will kill cheetahs and cheetah cubs if given the chance.

Why do lions produce so many cubs?

lions look after there cubs and when the cubs get older they can stay with echother

What is the name for young lions?

Young lions are called cubs.

What is the name of young lions?

Lion cubs. or cubs.

What do lions produce?

Lions produce baby cubs.

Do lions drink milk?

Lion cubs drink their mothers' milk, but adult lions drink water.

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No they have babies, lions and bears etc have cubs.

Do lions or female lions take care of the cubs?

The males take care of the cubs while the lionness goes hunting

What kind of parents are lions?

Lions are dedicated parents. Female lions hunt and provide food for the cubs. The male lions protect the cubs from danger. The whole pride shares the responsibility of protecting and taking care of the cubs. However, when a male lion ousts the pride leader and takes over the pride, it is known to kill all cubs in order to father its own set of cubs.

How are lion cubs made?

Lion cubs are made when a lion and a lioness mate successfully.

What do lions do to protect their cubs?

Female lions or lionesses use their numbers (pack) as well as their strength, teeth and claws. As male lions are usually offhunting the lionesses are with cubs most of the time.

Are tigers baby lions?

Lions and tigers are completely different species. Baby lions are called cubs