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They hate birthdays,theirs or anybody else ,even from their kids...

Yes they do hate them. Birthdays remind them they are getting older. They are peter pans, always young, infantile, their inner selves stuck at age six.

They morn the lost of youth, the lost of looks as they gaze into their beloved mirror.

They don't enjoy their kids b/ds much either. For a start its a day that's not all about them (and they hate that. They are notoriously bad gift givers, usually giving cheap tat or something of theirs they don't want or that's broken.

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Because they are narcissists and that type of behavior is in their nature. You need to educate yourself about narcissism. The Mayo Clinic website is a good place to begin. Dragging someone else down makes them feel like they have power.

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You can't touch a narcissists heart, they may con you into thinking you have, as to feed their disorder, but actually, they don't feel. NEVER wound a narcissist, they will retaliate in some way.

How do you spell narcissists?

This is the correct spelling. Narcissists.

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NO. Narcissists' brains have been shown to lack the capacity for genuine empathy & emotion. No matter what he SAYS he won't FEEL a thing

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* Narcissists feel they have all the answers and people (especially their mate) should do as they say. * Narcissists don't like to be confronted with any type of aggression or a person flexing their independent muscles. * Narcissists are generally highly intelligent, but feel that others are not. * Their reality is not the reality you live by so there is no communication skills going on and never will be. It's best to remove yourself from someone such as this as it will only be an on going fight. If the mate of the Narcissist refuses to confront the Narcissist there is going to be a war and no winners.

Is the contempt the narcissist feels for his partner based on a real or imagined inferiority?

Narcissists can feel contempt for many people and not just their spouse. They have a high regard for themselves and feel they are more intelligent than the rest of the world and become extremely impatient if they feel the person they are talking too isn't "getting it." They may be great chameleons and get along with coworkers, but inwardly feel that person is a total fool. They know who is boss in their workplace and will follow orders, but if they have a chance they will "go for the gold" thinking they are far better at that particular job. Some people label these types as "over-achievers." Narcissists are extremely complex people. Some actually do love their spouse and children and do strive to be a good person in their community, but they also strive for an inhuman level as far as intelligence and control. According to most narcissists they feel they are far more superior than most people they are around. The truth of the matter is, that narcissists are extremely clever, but misuse this God given right. Narcissists are always into competition and that includes their spouse. It's more of a vicious mind game than having a real or imagined inferiority complex. Narcissists don't feel inferior at all! Bottom line, they need psychological help, but because narcissists ride on the great back of ego they will rarely ever seek counseling.

Maladaptive narcissists:?

Narcissists who not adjusting adequately or appropriately to the environment or situation.

Do narcissists tell you that they never loved you even though during the relationship they said they did?

YES. They devalue the relationship to feel better about themselves. yes