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the have fun with each otherand help out around the house

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Q: How do people celebrate Christmas in North America?
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What continent celebrates Christmas?

People on the continents of Africa, Asia, North America, Europe, Australia and South America celebrate Christmas, depending on what they observe and their personal beliefs. And if there happen to be any research scientists in Antarctica - which there usually are, during the Antarctic summer - they, too are likely to celebrate Christmas.

Christmas does North America traditionally celebrate this day?

yes we do if we didnt we wouldn't put up signs of Christmas all over the state

How does Thailand celebrate Christmas?

Only Christians in Asia celebrate Christmas the same as Europeans and North Americans

How do people celebrate in France?

Because in France, like most of the EU and North America, the major religion is Christianity.

What about Christmas should say to pen pal?

What you should describe about Christmas to a pen pal depends in part on where your pen pal is from. If the pen pal comes from a country that is known to celebrate Christmas (Europe, North and South America, Australia, India), you might focus just on how you and your family in particular celebrate the holiday (i.e., religious observations, family travel and parties, traditional foods, when and how you exchange gifts). If the pen pal might not be familiar with Christmas, you would probably want to describe what Christmas is and why you celebrate it--and, of course, write about how you celebrate it, too.

How many Christians celebrate Christmas in America?

Millions of Christians in America (North and South) celebrate Christmas to celebrate the arrival of Jesus Christ. They often have theatrical plays of the story of Jesus birth. They also sing and have great sermons. At home many of them have Christmas trees and exchange gifts....some will donate to the needy too. When the kids do the story of Jesus birth it is really cute and a big blessing. Kids and teens will often sing by themselves (alone or as a chorus) the traditional Christmas songs ... really wonderful when they do. Many churches will have communion on that day too. They often invite neighbors and family members to Church for Christmas. There is usually a festive meal fixed too. In the USA even people who are not Christian believers celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah. Some people just call it a HOLIDAY celebration who are not Christians.

What are 5 Countries in North America that celebrate Carnival?

North America has only two countries: the USA and Canada.

Do people in japan put Christmas trees?

yes, they wear clothes similar enough to north america.

What country's people celebrate Las Posadas?

The countries of Caribbean, Central, North, and South America as well as the country of Spain in Europe celebrate Las Posadas. The re-enactments in question -- which take place in Spanish-speaking parts of North America, most notably New Mexico, as well as just about anywhere else that Spanish culture extends -- relate to the stops of the Holy Family on the night -- Christmas Eve -- before the Holy Child's nativity.

What language is Happy Christmas?

Happy Christmas is used in the UK, in North America Merry Christmas is used

What date is old Christmas?

January 6th in North America.

Does Canada celebrate a similar holiday as thanksgiving?