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Many plants flower when the number of daylight hours reach a certain level. Other factors like hormone levels or temperature changes induce plants to flower.

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Q: How do plants know when to bloom?
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Poinsettia plants bloom in the month of December although they are the most difficult flowering potted plants to rebloom.

Does jasmine only bloom at night?

Jasmine does bloom only at night. While most flowering plants have hormones that tell it to bloom during the day, the Jasmine plants hormones tell it to bloom at night.

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Are potato plants supposed to bloom?

No, they are gymnosperms

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Fuchsia plants bloom from mid-summer all the way into fall.

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it take 50000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000years for a new bloom

What is the green plant with flowers that bloom from it?

You'll have to be more specific. Most flowers bloom from green plants.

Do cactus's bloom?

Yes. Cactuses are flowering plants.

A sentence for bloom?

"It is May and the hyacinths are in full bloom." "The flush of youth was on her face as a rose in bloom." "The bloom of the smell of the wine was a pleasant bouquet in his nostrils." "Watching the world spring into bloom in the spring is an awesome sight."

When do rose plants bloom?

Because rose is a flower which has to bloom as then the bees and wasps can make pollination which without flowers no honey so if you love honey better get planting you flowers you can even have your own bees if you wanted to so now you know why roses (flowers) bloom .

Do all tomato branches produce tomatoes?

Every bloom on a tomato plant CAN in fact produce a tomato. I polinate my plants by going from bloom to bloom and "tickling" them. My wife laughs at me for "fondling" my plants, but it works!

What are plants that live for two years called?

BiennialsBiennials are plants that live for two years. The plants only produce leaves the first year, and they bloom the second year, set seed, and die.Wrong biennials are plants that bloom in their second year... the correct answeris perennials.