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Raccoons, while intelligent, do not seem to have a structured language.

They do make over 200 different sounds used to address other raccoons or other animals, including murmurs or screeches that have obvious meanings. Odors from urine and feces not only mark territories, but can also identify the raccoons who will subsequently meet at various locations for social interactions.

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Q: How do raccoons communicate with other raccoons?
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How do raccoons communicate?

Raccoons have been known to use over 200 distinct sounds in their interactions with other raccoons and animals. They have not been determined to form an actual language.

How does a raccoon communicate with another raccoon?

They communicate to each other by making their own sounds and they squeak at each other.

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No. Deer are strictly herbivores, they do not eat other animals like raccoons.

What is harmful in the city for raccoons?

Vehicles are a big problem anywhere for raccoons. Car accidents kill more raccoons than any other cause.

What are the uses of dead raccoons?

food i guess if you put it in your yard it might keep other Raccoons away

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They will most likely be released in the territory of other raccoons where they will not be welcome. They may be driven off or killed by the resident raccoons.

How many raccoons are there in each of the 50 states?

Alaska and Hawaii have no raccoons and the numbers of raccoons found in the other 48 states is not known. They are quite common, however.

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Yes, raccoons will take advantage of a free meal in the form of carrion as will many other animals.

What type of plants do raccoons eat?

Raccoons eat fruits, berries and nuts, all from plants.

Are raccoons hunted for meat skins furs or any other parts?

Raccoons were hunted for their fur by early European settlers.

What eggs do raccoons dig up and eat?

Raccoons will uncover and eat turtle eggs as well as eggs of other reptiles.

How many lives do raccoons have if they were attacked?

Like all other animals (including cats), raccoons have only one life.