

How do you exterminate bees?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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11y ago

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You don't want to kill a nest of bees. They are a declining population. Smoking them out or calling for a beekeeper should be your first reflex.

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Q: How do you exterminate bees?
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Is it against the law to exterminate bees in Florida?

In Florida, it is legal to exterminate bees if they pose a threat to human health or property. However, it is generally advisable to contact a professional bee removal service to explore safe and humane alternatives before resorting to extermination.

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Fast way will be to fog (can) the room available at hardware stores.

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To exterminate is to kill off completely. Here are some sentences.Please exterminate these cockroaches!A ruthless soldier will exterminate all of his enemies with no pity.She will exterminate the competition.

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The German translation of exterminate is:AusrottenVertilgen

Are bees vicious?

It depends what type of bee. For example, the German, or Black Bee, is quite aggressive in nature (an interesting aside is that Hitler is reputed to have tried to exterminate them as an 'inferior race'!). African breeds are also said to be bad-tempered. Other types of bees, such as Ligurian or Italian, and Carniolan bees are generally placid, but any bee, when threatened enough, will go on the defensive.

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