

Best Answer

I have found a website where there are good self help techniques for ADHD students. I have given a link to the website in Related links below

There are various methods to help ADHD students concentrate on their studies. The best technique is listening to calming music especially designed to help ADHD students. This calming music consist of scientific sound therapy techniques which actually addresses the brainwave imbalances associated with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).

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Q: How do you help ADHD students find the concentration to study?
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i also have ADHD and i find it easier to study if you play music through headphones so that you block out all other distracting noises

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Students can find the answers to the case study can be found in the course materials. The answers are not provided online.

Where can I find an ADHD quiz?

You can find a good ADHD quiz at You can also check out for this quiz.

Is it depression or ADHD?

It can be hard to separate them, because ADHD or ADD can cause depression but depression can also cause concentration problems. If you want to fix your problems you have to find out which one is the underlying cause. For instance, if something has recently happened in your life (death, trauma etc) it might be depression.

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You can find a tutor at They offer tutoring for ADHD children.

Where can one find resources for ADHD coaching?

One can find resources for ADHD Coaching at Additude Mag, Psych Central, ADHD Coaches, Edge Foundation, Add Resources, Marla Cummins, PAA Coaches, ADHD Coach Institute, Coaching for ADHD and My Attention Coach.

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I have adhd is not easy I find it hart 2 sit dan xx

Where can students with ADHD find help to pay for college in Colorado?

One website I know of is Free Colorado Grants and Scholarships. This is the same website but you can also try typing in The College Grants Database. This helped my good friend who had ADHD and autism. They can help you with a free grant or scholarship.

Where can I find more information on adhd supplements ?

There are some adhd supplements that actually do help. There are a lot of natural vitamins and supplements you can get.���add-adhd/guide/���vitamins-supplements-adhd

Is there a website that offers more information on the ADHD diet for children?

WebMD has a section on ADHD, which includes diet suggestions for children and adults. There is also a site called ADHD awareness that has some pieces about nutrition. Many ADD/ADHD people self-medicate with caffeine, which should be discouraged.

Subtopic for California study essay?

The subtopic could be :- "Why California students find essay writing so hard".

Where are online resources about the relationship between ADHD and diet?

Yes, there are several online medical reference resources, as well as ADHD support group websites that you can use to find helpful information about the links between ADHD and diet. Here are a few: