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By calling on one of the individual neurologists, therapists and professional centers with experience in diagnosing mild autism in children.

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Q: How do you identify mild autism in a child?
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What is adult autism?

Basicly, autism is something you are born to have, not something that you could grow into. So, adult autism, means that a child with autism grows up and become an adult with autism. However, if you didn't find out that you have autism until you are an adult, then your autism must be the mild kind on the entire autism spectrum.

Is autism mild?

No, Autism is not mild or severe - Autism just is.Autism is a neurological difference and considered to be a spectrum condition as it effects people in different ways and to different severity which can change throughout a persons life or from situation to situation. Autism cannot be mild, but a person may experience mild symptoms with their autism.

Do i have Autism ?

The best way to see if you have mild Autism is to see a specialist.

What are some conditions for training a child with autism?

the condition is autism Autism is a disibilty itself

Who Does you have autism?

moderate check mild x severe x my sister moderate x severe x mild check I am autism

If the first child has a mild form of Asperger's Syndrome will the second child have it too?

It is very likely the 2nd will have aspergers or be autistic to a more severe degree than aspergers on a personal note on the subject my brothers 1st has aspergers and his 2nd is 7months old and we've found out she is so far on the autism spectrum it is trets or rhetts but to be fair my brother has mild aspergers himself so you know, its all in genetics some say, others disagree. There is a genetic component to autism spectrum disorders. The chance of having a second child with autism or Asperger's Syndrome is greater than the usual chance of having a child with an autism spectrum disorder. However, it is more likely that the second child will not have an autism spectrum disorder than that the child will have one. If the next child does have it, it could be a milder or more severe case than that of the first child. According to one study, if one child in the family has autism, the chance that another will also have autism is 10%. In that study, the chance that an identical twin has autism when the other does is 82%. Other studies give results ranging from a 5% chance of a second child with autism to a 15% chance. However, if there are two children in the family who have autism, the chance of a third child with autism increases greatly to about 30%. (One study indicates that the chance of a third child with autism is 50% if the child is male.)

Is Autism a severe disorder?

It depends how mild it is.

Do children who are diagnosed with autism grow up to be adults with autism or is it then called or considered something else?

Autism is still called autism once a child reaches adulthood. Mild cases may be named something else, although closely related to autism, such as Aspergers. Some autistic patients are not diagnosed until they reach adulthood.

Can mild autistic children read?

There is no such thing as 'mild autism' - a person is autistic, how it effects them can be mild. As autism is a spectrum it effects different people in different ways and to different severities, even children who are severely effected by their autism may still be able to read.

Can O positive man with mild autism and very smart marries from a girl with what blood type so that their children will possibly be free from even mild autism the father has?

A person cannot have 'mild autism' you are either autistic or you are not, and how you're impacted by your autism can change throughout your life. A persons blood type or how intelligent they are has no relation to whether or not their offspring would be Autistic, it is possible for an Autistic parent to have a neurotypical child - although genetically Autism is believed to have a strong link on the male side, with Autistic fathers more likely to have Autistic children; Autistic sons especially.

How many children does Susan olsen have?

Susan Olsen child actor "Cindy", on the Brady has one child. She has openly talked about her son Michael who was diagnosed with Asperger, a mild form of autism.

Can o positive man with mild autism but very smart marry from a girl of what blood type so that their children possibly be free of even mild autism that the father has?

There is no evidence that blood type and autism have any connection.