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I cut the stump off as low to the ground as possible. Then I covered the stump area with a doubled, square of black plastic (about 1m x 1m) to prevent light penetration. I used several 2 ft long pegs to secure the plastic thoroughly. Keep an eye out for regrowth. In 2 years the tree was dead. No chemicals used.

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Q: How do you kill a Manitoba maple?
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Proper name of Manitoba maple?

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Can you bed horse stalls with maple shavings?

NO! Maple in any form is highly toxic to horses and if ingested can kill them quickly.

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Maple Syrup.

How do you become a police officer on maple story?

You kill Freddy Krueger

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Sell items, Kill monsters, quests.

How do you tame a king slime in maple story?

feed it lemons with ketchup. mustard will kill it instead of taming it. good luck my maple story friend!

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Cindy Klassen attended Pacific Academy in Surrey, British Columbia for elementary school.

Will galvanized bolts harm a maple tree?

It is possible that galvanized bolts will have zinc in them. And zinc can harm a maple treee if it is introduced into the tree itself. Copper nails will kill a tree.

Does boiling maple syrup kill the mold growing on it and make it safe to eat?

No. Mold is typically very hard to kill, so I would recommend just not eating it. The mold germs could be in your maple syrup as well as on top. BTW... why does it even have mold on it?

Can you grow a maple tree in Texas?

No because maple trees usually grow in the north climate and the climate in Florida would cause the tree to have a disease that would kill it in a short period of time.

Where is the giant Manitoba mosquito statue in Manitoba?

Komarno, Manitoba