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Are bag worms like tent worms? My grandfather and uncles used to pull the "tents" out of trees and douse them in gasoline in metal buckets. When they got all the tents with worms they could get, they had the land sprayed. It took care of it.

Added by CassieMae:

If your infestation is mild, you can pick off the tents in the late fall, winter, or early in the spring. This is when the eggs are inside the cocoons. By mid spring, the eggs begin to hatch and the infestation will continue if you have not gotten rid of them. They spend the spring and summer with their cocoon attached to their backside and the males will come out to seek females who will mate with them and lay their eggs by early fall.

Burning the egg filled cocoons in a controlled burn will solve the infestation problem, though some states and localities have ordinances against this. Check with your local Department of Agriculture office for disposal recommendations and legal pesticides to deal with larger infestations.

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9y ago

Pruning circulation-impeding branches and twigs , removing by hand, and spraying water from a hose are ways to kill bagworms without killing trees. There must be containers or materials (bags, cloths) underneath the tree for closed removal to a burn site in order for the above-mentioned organic treatments to work.

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Permethrin is effective in controlling bagworms in their early stages, but it may not be as effective at killing mature bagworms. For mature bagworms, manual removal or the use of other insecticides specifically labeled for bagworm control may be more successful.

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To kill bagworms, you can use insecticides specifically designed to target caterpillars like bagworms. Make sure to apply the insecticide while the bagworms are still young and active, typically in late spring or early summer. Follow the instructions on the insecticide product carefully for the best results.

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Does Sevin exterminate bagworms?

Yes, Sevin kills bagworms.Specifically, it is important to keep in mind the forms of the control and the pest. Sevin dust is most effective before the bagworms (Psychidae family) exceed lengths of ½ inch (1.27 centimeters) or more. Other options will include removal by hand and treating with Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt).

How can you use the word exterminate in a sentence?

To exterminate is to kill off completely. Here are some sentences.Please exterminate these cockroaches!A ruthless soldier will exterminate all of his enemies with no pity.She will exterminate the competition.

What part of speech is exterminate?

Exterminate is a verb.

What does 'Bt' stand for in organic gardening?

Bacillus thuringiensis is 'B.t.', which is an organic control of bagworms, caterpillars, hornworms and loopers.

What is exterminate in German?

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How is exterminate used in a sentence?

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