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It's a reflex thing, you can't LEARN it, it just comes naturally. Your reflex counts for quick decisions.

Flip a coin. Though this may not be the wisest of ideas. However being in previous similar situations and making decisions on a regular basis may help increase speed. It depends entirely upon the decision at hand. Some decisions need time for you to think over them so don't worry that you are taking too much time. By ST4282

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6d ago

You can learn to make quick decisions by practicing mindfulness to stay present and focused, breaking down complex problems into smaller, manageable parts, trusting your instincts, and seeking feedback to improve your decision-making skills over time. Additionally, learning to manage stress and pressure can help you make more efficient decisions in high-pressure situations.

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Which is not a common factor in making decisions?

Emotions are not a common factor in making decisions, as decisions are typically based on rational thinking, logic, and analysis of information. While emotions can influence decisions, relying solely on emotions may lead to biased or irrational choices.

What is intuitive thinking?

Intuitive thinking is a cognitive process that relies on gut feelings, instincts, and quick judgments based on past experiences and knowledge. It involves making decisions without relying on logic or conscious reasoning. This type of thinking is often seen as quick and automatic, bypassing deliberate analysis.

Why do we need to have a good decision in life?

Having good decision-making skills is important because it helps us make choices that align with our goals and values, leading to positive outcomes. Good decisions can enhance our well-being, relationships, and overall success. Making sound decisions also helps us manage challenges effectively and adapt to different situations.

What part of the brain makes decisions and solves problems?

The prefrontal cortex is responsible for making decisions and solving problems. It is involved in high-level cognitive functions such as reasoning, planning, and self-control.

What are the consequences of your decisions can affect your .?

The consequences of your decisions can impact various aspects of your life such as your relationships, career opportunities, mental and emotional well-being, and overall quality of life. It is important to consider the potential outcomes of your choices before making decisions to help ensure positive results.

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What did Harold do that made him lose at the Battle of Hastings?

he was quick at making decisions and he was to postitive at where he was postioned(at the top of a hill)!

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Yes, Rattata can learn Quick Attack.

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His nickname was "Razor" (Kamisori), for his reputation for a sharp, legalistic mind capable of making quick decisions.

How do you beat decisions decisions on resident evil outbreak?

You got to be quick on your feet

Do you say I am a quick learner or a quick learn?

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Gather additional information

Are successful entrepreneurs are thoughtful and never make quick decisions?

No. Sometimes the successful entrepreneurs are not thoughtful as you think and they may make quick decisions and lead to mistakes.

What is the Definition of making decisions?

Making decisions is the act of deciding something one way or another.

Why is making a new toy a quick and easy process for a company?

A toy has a long term relationship to a company when it is profitable and the decisions to manufacture the toy or product proved to be correct. Your welcome!

What is impulsive in Tagalog?

"Impulsive" in Tagalog can be translated as "padalus-dalos" or "mapusok." It refers to acting without thinking, making quick decisions without considering the consequences.

What is Decision making unstructured structured and semistructured?

Structured decision making refers to the organized approach to making an informed decision. It can be done using lists or other organizational tools. Unstructured decision making usually refers to the spur of the moment decision making that requires little planning. Semi-structured decisions are made using less organization than structured decisions, but can also employ quick thinking and less planning.