

How do you make a candle with the use of coconut oil?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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9y ago

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To make a candle with coconut oil, ingredients will also include: 6 oz of soy wax beads, 2 teaspoons of coconut oil, 1 package of tea lights with wicks, and 1 cup of water. First place the wicks into the cups for the tea lights so that the wicks are standing straight up. Next boil the water in a medium sauce pan. Pour the wax beads and the coconut oil into an aluminum can and place the can into the boiling water. Stir the bead mixture until it is melted and then turn off the heat. Using an oven mitt, pick up the can and pour the hot wax into the tea light cups. Let the wax cool for about 15 to 20 minutes.

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