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Guinea pigs love to hide in small, dark places. You really don't have to BUILD a hideaway, you just can by an affordable hideaway mini-house at Petsmart. Or you can purchase a cage that holds a built-in hideaway.

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14y ago
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12y ago

Domestic guinea pigs don't burrow in the ground. They like to burrow under nesting material like wood shavings and newspaper, but they're not burrowing animals. Their feet and claws are not strong enough.

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12y ago

you can buy a igloo also known as a pigloo at your local pet store these make great hide outs.

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What animals scream?

i am pretty sure bunnys and guinea pigs scream!! pigs too!

Where do baby guinea pigs live?

Baby Guinea Pigs live independent with their mother.Guinea Pigs don't make nests.

Sounds pigs make?

guinea pigs squeak,and purr.

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the large black is used as a dual purpose ,domestic pigs are used for pork and old black spots are used for bacon

Can a guinea pigs eat its buddy?

Guinea pigs are herbivores, so they will not eat other guinea pigs. However, they can sometimes get into fights when they are first introduced. Make sure that you supervise them carefully. If your looking for how to introduce two new guinea pigs,

What sound do guinea pigs make when their fighting?

Guinea pigs make strange sounds... Sort of like unhappy squeaking mixed with a screech.

What makes guinea pigs?

well guinea pigs will mate and make themselves but its really just called nature

Can guinea pigs eat Oreos?

No, guinea pigs should not eat human food.

How do you make guinea pigs affection?

you dont

Are guinea pigs man made?

In England they were sold for a guinea and they can sometimes squeal like pigs

Why does a guinea make noise?

Guinea pigs make noises to show their feelings like fear or exitment.