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As its in groups of 3 - this suggests a book code - first number will be page number - last number will refer to the line - middle number how far along the line - if its from a book, try that book, if not, good hunting! Tonybaloney

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Q: How do you solve this number cipher 18-1-36 25-3-31 58-2-35 24-2-12 25-14-28 22-1-28 45-4-4 35-4-43 119-1-5 107-1-4 128-7-55 11-6-16 45-4-4 114-6-49 90-2-15?
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What does sipher mean?

Do you mean cipher? A cipher is a method of encrypting in which a different figure (another letter, a number, a glyph of some kind) is substituted for each letter. A very simple cipher involves replacing the letters with a number being the number of the alphabetic order of the letter, so A becomes 1, B becomes 2 and C becomes 3, and so on. In this cipher 1-14-19-23-5-18-19 is Answers.

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A monoalphabetic cipher uses fixed substitution over the entire message, whereas a polyalphabetic cipher uses a number of substitutions at different positions in the message, where a unit from the plaintext is mapped to one of several possibilities in the ciphertext and vice versa.

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Julius Caesar, of course! It was created for times of war, and it was a very simple cipher indeed.

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The Beale cipher is a form of book cipher where a key document, such as an existing book, is used to encode a message. Each word or phrase in the message is converted into a number that corresponds to a page, line, and word in the key document. The recipient can then use the key to decode the message by looking up the corresponding words.

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Algorithm for hill cipher?

Hill Cipher is a cryptographic algorithm to encrypt and decrypt an alphabetic text. In this cipher, each letter is represented by a number (eg. A = 0, B = 1, C = 2). To encrypt a message, each block of n letters (considered as an n -component vector) is multiplied by an invertible n × n matrix, against modulus 26.

What is cipher code?

There are several different meanings to the word cipher (cypher) * A secret or disguised way of writing, a code * The number zero, 0 * A person of no importance, an agent of others * A monogram - a design fromed from a person's initials * The continuous sounding of an organ pipe

How did the number zero get its name?

ORIGIN early 17th cent.: from French zéro or Italian zero, via Old Spanish from Arabic ṣifr 'cipher.'

What is used to replaces each character in the plain text with a different letter by shifting the alphabet a certain number of positions?

That's what's known as a simple transposition cipher.

Why you call zero by the name zero?

The derivation is from the early 17th cent.: from French zéro or Italian zero, via Old Spanish from Arabic ṣifr 'cipher.'