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It is IMPOSSIBLE to do that without also switching two corner pieces in the process. Look up T-permutation.

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Q: How do you switch 2 edge pieces on a Rubik's Cube?
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How do you determine core and non core work?

If the edge and corners seems to fit for example thr rubiks core works on a dayan ghong cube

What is the trick to the rubiks cube?

== == To get the first layer started solve the four edge pieces, just pick a side. Pick four edge pieces that match the middle color so when you solve it, it looks like a plus sign +. The trick is to have the sides of those edge pieces match the colors on the side. There is a good video on youtube if you type in how to solve a rubik's cube. Use the guide that comes with it, it might seem confusing but it is actually pretty easy once you figure it out. I can do one in a little over 2 minutes, which really isn't that fast compared to some people. It is kind of hard to describe such a process in words only.

What edge of a cube?

The edge of a cube is a line where two faces meet. A cube has 12 edges.

What is the formula of the volume the cube?

Volume of a cube: edge*edge*edge measured in cubic units

A cube has a surface area of 384cm2 What is the edge length of this cube?

The edge length of this cube is: 8 cm

What is the ratio of the length of the edge of a cube with an edge of 1 inch?

It depends on the cube.

Volume of cube is 1 cubic decimeter. what is the length of the cube's edge?

The cube's edge length is 1 decimeter.

What is an edge on a cube?

An edge on a cube is a line segment where two faces of the cube meet. It connects two vertices of the cube. A cube has 12 edges in total, with each edge being of equal length.

What is the length of a edge of the cube in centimeter if the the volume of the cube is 216?

Each edge is 6

How do you find the volume of a cube with only the measurement of one edge?

Cube the edge measurement.

How do you find the volume of a cube if only one edge is given?

You cube the edge length.

What is the cube root of volume of cube?

The volume of a cube is determined by cubing the length of one edge, so the cube root of the volume will give you the length of an edge. (In a cube, all of the edges are the same length)