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when it is dry under the belly but soggy on top! hope it helps!

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Q: How do you tell if a toad has a cold?
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Are frogs cold blooded or is a toad?

Both are cold blooded

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What is a type of cold blooded animal?

Snake Lizards Frog Toad Turttle

How can you tell a female Boreal Toad from a male Boreal Toad?

Thumbs of males are enlarged for grasping females during reproductive efforts.

How can you tell a girl toad apart of a boy toad?

Females are usually larger. Males have a loose flap of skin under their throats.

Ia a toad an anphibian?

Yes, a toad is an amphibian. It is cold blooded and spends half it's life in water, half in land. That is pretty much what an amphibian is.

How do you know when toads are breeding?

When a male toad is on top of a female toad. You can tell the difference because male toads have darker markings that a female toad. Toad's main breeding spot is at the edge of a pond or creek. The male toad sends out loud croaks and the lounder the croak, the quicker it is to get a girl!

How can you tell if your toad is about to die?

Your toad will be skinny, and it might not eat. Also, they might have cloudy eyes

Who did Winnie foster tell that she was running away in Tuck Everlasting?

The toad

Do toad's sweat?

No. They are cold blooded, so to cool off, they have to get out of the sun. To warm up, they have to sunbathe.

How do you tell tadpoles apart frogs and toads?

"The main differences between toad tadpoles and frog tadpoles are that toad tadpoles are darker sometimes black and are smaller."

How do you tell the female Houston Toad from the male?

The male Houston Toad has a black chin, while the feamle does not.