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You'll see evidence of one (or more).

You might see tapeworm body-segments in the dog's feces right after elimination (they look like white, flat worms that elongate and contract, and are about a half-inch long), or dried segments that most people say look like uncooked wild rice stuck to fur around the dog's anus or on the dog's bed.

Also, if your dog begins scooting around on his rear, it may be a sign of some kind of internal parasite.

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15y ago
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12y ago

You might see a small dried segment sticking out of the cats anus resembling rice grains but every time a cat feaces a segment breaks off containing and egg you may see a living segment in thier feeces

There are several warning signs you can watch for with tapeworm in cats, but it is important to understand that feline tapeworm infection is not nearly as severe as other worm infections.

For this reason, it is extremely important to watch for these symptoms as tapeworms drain the nutrients out of your cat's body very quickly.

The first symptom is an upset stomach that will be followed up very a sudden by dullness in your cat's hair coat. If the infection is severe enough, you may also begin to see a slight hair loss develop.

However, one of the most telling signs that your cat has a tapeworm infection will be a very sudden development of red skin on or around their anus area as well as on their feet. As the infection intensifies, your cat will also show abdominal distress.

If you do see red blotches on their anus or feet, quickly check their stomach area and if they flinch or cry out, they have feline tapeworm infection.

But there are also two other warning signs; a loss of appetite or the complete opposite, a voracious appetite. If this sign develops, your cat's infection by hookworms is now so bad it is becoming a life threatening situation as they are taking all of the nutrients from your cat's body for themselves.

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12y ago

Tapeworms are a difficult intestinal parasite to treat - you will need to take your cat to your veterinarian for medication. There is currently no medication you can buy on your own that will treat tapeworm infestations.

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15y ago

You bring your vet a fecal sample and they run a test on the sample.

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13y ago

Yes, you can get tapeworms from your cat, which usually happens if you don't wash your hands after dealing with the cats feces.

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12y ago

Well if you mean how to treat a cat with a tape worm just get the cat to the vet and fast.

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Something that looks like sesame seeds are in my cat's bedding?

They are tapeworm eggs.

Can tapeworm kill your cat?

No, but they can cause anemia and a nutritional deficiency.

Can you catch tapeworms from your cat?

Tapeworms are only cough into you by digesting them unless your cat has attracted some hookworms which are the same as tapeworms, they can be found in infected soil (infected fertilizer, once the hookworm is in its host it lays eggs in it digestive tract...and once the process is done, the next thing\person who step on the egg it has founded an new host) layman's terms: Tapeworm, only get in you, by eating an tapeworm egg, to not get tapeworm in food or you, make food cooked well. You can got worm like tapeworm but not as same, it is called hookworm, if your cat steps on an hookworm egg, your cat now have hookworm, hookworm can get form cat to you by box you clean, that your cat sh*t in, egg in your cat's s*it get on hand, egg is in you, boom! you have hookworm, same as tapeworm, Hooray

Cat has a large worm with blood coming out of rectum?

the cat sounds like it has a tapeworm, and needs to be seen by a vet, ASAP

My cat has got fleas and im worried she's might have tapeworm can this tapeworm kill her?

if it goes without medical attention yes it could kill her. When the tapeworm gets big enough it takes all the animals nutrients which then starves the animal.

Where in the world can a tapeworm live?

The adult Dipylidium caninum lives in the small intestine of the dog or cat.

How long does it take for a cat to pass a tape worm after taking the medication?

I believe once the tapeworm dies, it will dissolve in the intestines.

What do you call a tapeworm in a dog?

A tapeworm in a dog is called the same thing, a tapeworm. The most common kind of tapeworm found in dogs is the Dipylidium Caninum, which is the cucumber tapeworm or double-pore tapeworm.

Your cat has got fleas and im worried she might have tapeworm can this tapeworm kill her?

yes it could felinse have a similar intestine she could sarve or just grow a 40 ft worm and die from over eating or a split stomache

How common do house cat's get worms?

Perhaps you have heard of a pet cat that has had worms. The cat did not get the worms by eating the directly. The hosts for the tapeworm larvae are usually fleas. The host fleas are infested with the tapeworm larvae. When the cat cleans itself, it swallows the fleas. The tapeworm larvae on the fleas change into tiny tapeworms. They then live and grow as parasites in the intestines of the cat. The tapeworms produce eggs and fertilize the with sperm. The fertilized eggs are carried out of the cat's body as waste.

Your cats bed has what looks like little rice in it what are they?

They are most likely pieces of tapeworm breaking off from inside your cat. You should take the cat to the vet for a proper diagnosis and to get medicine to deworm it.

How do you kill maggots in a cat's rectum?

Unless it's a dead cat, those are most likely tapeworm segments. They cannot be killed without a medication you can get from a veterinarian.