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Cost centre is created after cost categories had been created. the cost center is used to hold and allocated income and expenses to

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Q: How do you use cost centre in tally 9 what and how to create?
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F8 is the shortcut key that you can use for selecting sales voucher.

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Use Alt+F2 keys from main page of tally. (gateway of tally)

Accounting standard with respect to tally 7.2?

In Tally, a ledger is a record of all financial transactions related to a specific account, such as cash, bank, sales, purchases, expenses, etc. Before you can pass voucher entries, you need to create the required ledgers in Tally. While some default ledgers are created automatically, you'll need to create additional ledgers manually.

How do you use tally in a sentence?

The observers kept a tally of the votes during the count.

What database does use to operate tally?

Tally has its own but it uses ODBC compliant.

How to use Excel as tally?

There is no connection between MS Excel and Tally Accounting Software.

What is a difference between a tally table and a frequency?

a tally table use whole numbers and frequency use the same number