

How does M1 Velocity works?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How does M1 Velocity works?
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1990 feet per second.

How do you calculate the new velocity so that momentum remains same?

apply conservation of momentum theory- m1v1=m2v2 where m1 is the initial mass, m2 is the final mass, v1 is the initial velocity and v2 is the final velocity.

Is momentum mass or velocity?

There are different types of momenta. What you are referring to is LINEAR momentum. Linear momentum is the product of an object's mass and linear (along a straight line: translational motion) velocity and is usually represented by 'p' : p = mv. Keep in mind that it is a vector quantity (has a magnitude and direction). Momentum represents the "amount of motion" of an object. Say you have two masses, m1 = m and m2 = 2m, so that m2 is twice as massive as m1. m1 is moving to the right at a linear velocity v1 = 2v and m2 is moving to the right at a linear velocity v2 =v. What are their linear momenta? Well, p1 = m1 v1 = 2mv and p2 = m2 v2 = 2mv, so that p1 = p2. So, although both objects have DIFFERENT linear velocities and DIFFERENT masses, their linear momenta ("amount of motion") for this case are the same. Now, if instead m1 is moving to the right at v1 = 3v and m2 is moving to the right at v2 = v, then: p1 = m1 v1 = 3mv p2 = m2 v2 = 2mv Although m1 is the smaller mass, it has a larger "amount of motion" compared to m2 for this case, because it's linear velocity is larger than the former case.

How do you find velocity of a ball given mass of one ball and velocity of that same ball after they collide and rebound in opposite directions?

Momentum is always conserved. Newton's first law. so m1v1 + m2v2 = m1v3 + m2v4 to solve for this equation you are going to have to know more than just the mass and initial velocity of m1. There are six unknowns here. Apparently we know m1 and v3 from what you have said. We are going to have to know the value of three more before we can solve.

What happens to the momentum of an object traveling with a certain velocity if a load is added to it while in motion?

The momentum of an object traveling with a certain velocity will increase if a load is added to it while in motion. This is because momentum is directly proportional to both mass and velocity, so adding mass will result in an increase in momentum as long as the velocity remains constant.

How does the sun's gravity and the earth's gravity affect each other?

they pull toward each other, but the earths orbital velocity compensates exactly for this acceleration together due to gravity a = (G* (m1+m2))/d^2 acceleration that balances this a = v^2/d : G = newtons gravitational constant m1 = sun mass m2 = earth mass d = distance between centres v = orbital velocity

Zero acceleration will the velocity be constant?

Whenever velocity is constant, the acceleration is zero. This also works when the velocity is zero, the acceleration is zero. That pretty much means the object isn't moving. But, yes/ If velocity is constant, accleration is zero.

How would an increase in velocity affect an object that orbits the sun?

At any particular orbital radius, there is only one velocity which will give stable orbit. An increase in velocity would increase the centripetal force, overcoming the gravitational pull, the net force then accelerating the object away from the sun. > Stable orbit: (Gravity (G*m1*m2)/d2) = ( centripetal force (m2*(v2/d)) ) G = newtons gravitational constant m1 = mass sun (kg) m2 = mass object (kg) d = distance between sun and object (metres) v = orbital velocity (metres per second)

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if(m1>m2) f=m1; s=(m2>m3)?m1!m3 what its meaning of this?

What is Gaelic for a haven?

cuan (m1), port (m1) - (fig) tearmann (m1)

How many hours is it from London to Alton towers?

Aug 2010 if you are travelling from central London allow 3 1/4h to 3 1/2h if you use the M1. Road works on M1 near Luton reduce your speed to 50mph (speed cameras).

About meters in a mile?

1 mi. = 1609.344 m1 mi. = 1609.344 m1 mi. = 1609.344 m1 mi. = 1609.344 m1 mi. = 1609.344 m1 mi. = 1609.344 m