

How does a boat work?

Updated: 4/27/2022
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11y ago

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Because Chuck Norris wants it to work.

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Q: How does a boat work?
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How does solar energy work in air boat?

Solar energy work in air boat by the help of sun power.

How does fishing boat work?

they swim

Do doctors work on a boat?

No, mechanics work on boats, doctors work on people.

Can a blow up boat work in salt water?

If you mean an inflatable boat - sure

Does a boat propeller run when the boat is idle?

No, the propeller will only work if the engine is running.

How does a solar boat work?

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How old do you have to be to work on a boat?

Old enough to hold a wrench. My 11 year old works on our boat, and I don't even have a boat yet.

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ostentatious or pretentious work well...

What is a suitable light boat with a shallow draft?

A pontoon boat would be a light boat that is shallow to take in the water. Of course you could also get an inflatable boat, and that would work just as well.

Can a cosigner have a boat voluntarily repossessed?

NOT unless the payments are delinquent and the cosingnor has POSSESSION of the boat. Call the Lender and work it out.

If the widest witdth of a boat is called the beam What is the waterline width of a boat called?

I work for a marina, its called length waterline