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Q: How does a convection current occur in a liquid?
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A circular flow of warmer fluid and cooler fluid is called a?

A convection current, however, this can also occur with gases.

What is convection in liquid?

The convection is a current caused by warmer liquid rising and cooler liquid sinking.

How do you use convection current In a sentences?

Convection current is a stream of fluid propelled by thermal convection. Convection is mostly around gas and liquid

Current consists of air or a liquid moving in a circular path as it is heated and cooled?

Convection current Convection current

What two states of matter can occur in convection?

Convection currents are in the liquid and gas states.

Where does convection occur?

Convection occurs when and where a fluid is in a gravity field and heat is applied to its base.

Thermal energy transferred by circulation of liquid or gas is called?

convection current

How is humidity and convection connected?

By remembering the process of convection and convection current rainfall we can relate both. Land breeze and sea breeze are due to convection current and humidity also occur there due to this.

Where does convection mostly occur?

Convection occurs in any liquid or gas that has variations in density due to uneven heating.

What types of matter does convection occur?

Convection occurs mainly in the gaseous state, where heat is transferred through currents in air. Convection can also occur in liquids, however it is generally identified with gases.gas and liquid

What ishot gas or liquid circulating is called?

It could be a convection current.

The transmission of heat requiring the movement of a liquid or a gas?

The transmission of heat requiring the movement of a liquid or a gas is called convection.