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the kidneys are used to filter the blood through capsules called a glomerulus. if the blood doesn't have enough pressure behind it, blood cannot properly purify, this could lead up to a toxic build up of urea and possibly cause a kidney inflammation and even an infection if it is chronic - long lasting.

also low blood pressure can be indicative of a kidney problem as well - as the kidneys are responsible for maintaining BP (blood pressure) through functions such as releasing erythropoitein to create more RBC's and also to control the viscosity of blood - thickness - through the amount of water the kidney sends on to the bladder.

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12y ago

Here is a simplified explanation. The Kidneys primary role is to filter the waste products from our blood. Picture a "Brita" water filter and that's basically how they work. The waste is excreted along with excess fluid in our urine. Now if your blood pressure is too low, there is no force to "push" that blood thru the kidneys filtration system, resulting in fluid and waste retention which isn't good for the rest of our body.

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13y ago

lower pressure would result in slower filtration rate

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