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I went through breast cancer with a narcissist and I wouldn't recommend it. He was totally shocked when I was diagnosed and wrote a very sweet blog but I realized later that he felt that this had happened to him. He was totally unempathetic in private but played the role of the stricken husband at the oncology clinic. He tired of it very quickly and began to go running instead of going with me to my chemotherapy appointments.

Please take care of yourself and get a support network that can help you out. I had lots of support from everyone except my spouse. He just couldn't deal with it and went on a ski trip during my last treatment. He was verbally abusive to me when I was very weak and sick, telling me to "go get a job."

After my surgery, he became very cold and told me that I needed to "get off of my butt and exercise." I think that my illness made him realize that I wasn't invincible, which to a narcissist is horrible, because that reflects their own mortality, which they don't want to face. I asked him to move out last January and I have full custody of our children because luckily we had a judge in court who could see through his slick demeanor.

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Q: How does a somatic narcissist react to illness mine refuses to see or speak to me though he will email and text until after the surgery which he refuses to discuss is this normal?
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