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the abutments at either end of the bridge anchor the arch so that it will not collapse, the weight of the arch is supported by the abutment on either end

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Q: How does an abutment support an arch bridge?
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Is arch bridge stronger than any other bridge type?

Because it has more support in its arches.

What is an arch bridge bridge?

Arches are among the oldest forms of structural support. Unlike beam bridges, arch bridges are curved. The arch carries the weight outward along the curve to the supports on each end of the bridge, called abutments. The abutments carry the load and stop the bottom of the bridge from spreading out.

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How do you build a stone arch bridge?

You have to support the structure (the actual arch) using a wooden form up to the point where you insert the keystone, after which the arch will be self supporting.

What does a pier or an abutment do?

In architecture, an abutment helps to support an arch. While a pier is a seaside stilted structure extending from the beach a little way out to sea. A pier may have buildings on it offering entertainment, and amusement arcades, to the visiting public - a common feature of many seaside resorts.

What is the best type of bridge?

truss bridges are able to support the most weight applies to the bridge, especially when the weight is applied to the middle

Is a pegram truss an arch bridge?

it is a hybrid between an arch bridge and truss bridge. so it is classified as an arch and truss