

How does coffee harm teeth?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: How does coffee harm teeth?
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My son-in-law believes that drinking coffee after brushing is good for teeth because it coats them. I can't imagine what it coats them with that would be good -- it only stains them. What's true?

It does not help. It might even have a bad effect. That is because there is acids in coffee, giving the flavour. They might harm the teeth.

What effets your teeth coke or coffee?

Different ways. Coke erodes your teeth over time. Coffee stains your teeth.

Will coffee still stain your teeth if you lighten it with cream?

Yes. (the cream does not stay on the teeth, the coffee does)

Which stains the teeth most tea or coffee?

it is coffee

What can coffee do your teeth?

Stain them.

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Are you able to drink coffee when wearing braces on your teeth?

Of course you can. Braces have nothing to do with the "color/brightness" of your teeth. Braces are used to straighten teeth. If it is, in your finding, that drinking coffee has discolored your teeth, then he or she (your dentist) can apply a "whitener" to your teeth, regardless of braces. Regards

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water does not really have an effect on teeth because there isn't anything in it to harm your teeth.

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Does coffee do more harm then weed?

depends if you smoke it.