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from the sun's heat rising at sunrise heats the water and evaporates the cool water

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6mo ago

Fog forms over the ocean on summer mornings when warm, moist air moves over the cooler surface of the water. As the warm air comes into contact with the cooler water, it cools down, causing the moisture in the air to condense and form tiny water droplets or ice crystals, resulting in fog. This process is known as advection fog.

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Yes. Hurricanes form over warm ocean water.

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Hurricanes do not form over land or over cold ocean water.

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Hurricanes form over tropical ocean water.

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Hurricanes form over warm ocean water.

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A hurricane is most likely to form in summer of autumn over tropical ocean waters typically between 5 degrees and 30 degrees of latitude.

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Generally not. Tornadoes form from thunderstorms called supercells, which form under similar conditions to ordinary thunderstorms and as anybody can tell you, thunderstorms don't need to form over an ocean. That said, some tornadoes do form on the ocean.