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Yes, thyroid dysfunction can sometimes result in heart palpitations, bradycardia and tachycardia. However there are many types of arrythmias and not all are the result of thyroid dysfunction.

When the thyroid is overactive it releases more thyroxin. Thyroxin, in a nutshell, tells your body how fast to go. If you have too much thyroxin stimulating your heart then it will beat faster.

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14y ago

Yes, hyperthyroidism can result in heart palpitations and arrhythmias, such as sinus tachycardia, atrial flutter or atrial fibrillation. When a patient comes into the Emergency department with an abnormally fast rhythm that is not explained, I will frequently check their thyroid function.

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Q: Heart palpitations caused by hyperthyroidism
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Hyperthyroidism May Cause Heart Problems?

The diagnosis of hyperthyroidism often occurs when the patient has complaints of heart palpitations in addition to other problems. Heart palpitations are irregularities of heart rhythm which may be due to many different causes however. Hyperthyroidism is caused from the thyroid gland excreting too much thyroid hormone into the body. This hormone is very necessary to a healthy body, but in quantities that exceed normal amounts, the heart may be affected. The heart is very much impacted by the thyroid gland. Too much or too little thyroid hormone may cause the heart to race, skip beats, or take on other uncomfortable patterns which can be life threatening if left untreated. An example would be atrial fibrillation, which causes inefficient pumping of blood through the heart, and may slowly wear out the heart muscle due to the chaotic contractions in the area of the heart atria. Another form of palpitations caused from hyperthyroidism is a rapid heart beat, even when the person is at rest. The heart rate will often stay around 90 beats a minute. With exercise, the heart may go into an exaggerated, rapid beat, which can be exhausting. For people with weak hearts or the elderly, this may lead to ongoing fatigue and even heart failure. For patients who are experiencing chest discomfort, rapid pulse or irregular heartbeat, it is important to be examined by a physician who can determine whether the symptoms are from hyperthyroidism or another cause. The doctor may run tests such as an EKG or ultrasound to help determine whether the patient is having palpitations, and if so, what kind. Other tests, such as blood tests will help determine whether hyperthyroidism is the cause of any heart irregularity. There are treatments for hyperthyroidism, to include prescription beta-blockers, radioactive iodine treatments or partial removal of the thyroid gland. The last two treatments are used when other methods of controlling the amount of thyroid hormone would not be effective. Diet or chemicals may cause palpitations. Consuming significant amounts of caffeine can trigger an irregular heart beat. Smoking, street drugs, prescription medications, low blood sugar or use of inhalers may exacerbate palpitations. It is extremely important to see a physician if there is tightness in the chest, dizziness, fainting or pain that can be felt in the chest, neck, arm or jaw. These symptoms may indicate a more serious heart or medical condition.

Are heart palpitations and shortness of breath a sign of brainstem compression?

Yes, heart palpitations and shortness of breath can be signs of brainstem compression. These symptoms can be caused by other conditions, including heart disease and respiratory conditions. If you are experiencing these symptoms, check with your doctor.

What illnesses could heart palpitations be a symptom of?

More information about heart palpitations can be found online at the Medical website. The website gives you information about heart palpitations and others sickness.

How can I find out what causes heart palpitations?

Often the cause of your heart palpitations can't be found. Common causes of heart palpitations include: Strong emotional responses, such as stress or anxiety ...

What is the symptom of hyper thyroid?

It depends upon the thyroid condition. An underactive thyroid occurs in a condition called hypothyroidism; this is characterized by an insensitivity to cold, lethargy/fatigue, and weight gain. An overactive thyroid gland, which occurs in hyperthyroidism, can produce heat insensitivity, anxiety, weight loss, fast heart rate, palpitations, can predispose you to heart arrhythmias.AnswerHeat or cold intolerance; Weight gain, with hypothyroidism, or weight loss with hyperthyroidism; Depression with hypothyroidism, or mania/hypomania with hyperthyroidisml Fatigue with hypothyroidism or agitation/anxiety and palpitations with hyperthyroidism, as well as many others.

What are the symptoms for hyperthyroidism?

Heart palpitations, insomnia, and fatigue are all symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Some other symptoms include heat intolerance, nervousness, breathlessness, increased bowel movements, light or absent menstrual periods, fast heart rate, trembling hands, weight loss, muscle weakness, warm moist skin, hair loss, and staring gaze.

How To Recognize Heart Palpitations?

Heart palpitations is that uncomfortable sensation of noticing your own heartbeat. It’s an unpleasant feeling that the heart is either pounding, racing or beating in an odd way either with extra beats or skipped beats. Most people have these palpitations from time to time during their lifetime. Most of the time they are not serious, but a benign arrhythmia of the heart. They can be something serious when someone has them on a regular basis.If the palpitations occur more frequently than normal, your doctor should be told. He may order some tests including wearing a heart monitor for 24 hours. This way the doctor can study the monitor and will know what you were doing when the palpitations occurred.No matter how unusual or uncomfortable heart palpitations may be, they are very common symptoms. Even when you feel like you are all alone with this feeling, there are millions of other people who experience the same symptoms now and then. They can be frightening, however, most of the palpitations are not life threatening and are not associated with heart disease.Most causes of the heart palpitations are some type of cardiac arrhythmia. Many arrhythmias cause palpitations and the most common ones are premature atrial complexes (PACs), premature ventricular complexes (PVCs), atrial fibrillation and supraventricular tachycardia (SVT).The dangerous arrhythmias including ventricular tachycardia can be life threatening. People who have underlying heart disease will have more dangerous arrhythmias. People who are also at high risk for heart disease such as smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, a family history, being overweight or a sedentary lifestyle need to have their palpitations identified as to what is causing them to occur.The thyroid can also cause heart palpitations. People who suffer with hyperthyroidism can experience a racing heartbeat. This is caused by the effect of a thyroid hormone on the heart. Hypothyroidism can also cause heart palpitations, but they are much more obvious in hyperthyroidism. This means that if someone doesn’t know that they even have a thyroid problem, they won’t even realize that is what’s causing the heart palpitations. A doctor could test for hyperthyroidism, have it treated properly, and the palpitations will diminish.It is still best to see the doctor if the palpitations occur too frequently. This is the best way to avoid a serious problem.

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Is heart palpitations the same thing as heart beat flutters?

From what I can understand, and I am no doctor, heart palpitations is the same thing as heart beat flutters. Heart palpitation is the feeling that your heart is racing.