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Taking care of ones teeth and knowing what they do is very important. A persons incisors help to cut up food, making it easier for the body to digest.

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14y ago

It allows the food you eat to be ripped so that it's easier to chew.

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Q: How does incisor help in digesting food?
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How does premolar help in digesting food?

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i really really need you to answer my question pls because i need tomorrow morning aprol 22 2009

Is teeth helpful in food digestion?

It will help in digesting the food, if you chew it well.

How molar help in digesting food?

by fine chewing the food, it's facilitate the desintegration of the food in the stomach

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it actually doesn't have any use.

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What are easy digestion tips?

Chew your food, Chew it to the extent that it is liquid. This will help in digesting the food rapidly.

How does it help in digesting food the premolar?

Chewing food releases digestive juices into the mouth - which aid in breaking down the food.

How does it help in digesting food premolar?

Chewing food releases digestive juices into the mouth - which aid in breaking down the food.

How does the tongue and teeth of a frog help in digesting process?

Doesn't really help at all because they do not chew their food.

Are nutrients released when digesting Food?

Yes. That is the reason for eating and digesting food.

What function do incisor teeth have that molar teeth do not?

they cut in to food like meat but the molars grind and crush food