

How does mascara use nanotechnology?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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To suck my bawwllls

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Q: How does mascara use nanotechnology?
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How nanotechnology is used in mascara?

to make eyes bigger through the use of cannabis. It shrinks the pupils which gives the illustion that the eye lashes are bigger than they are. It is also used for painting a vagina.

Is nanotechnology in use in India?

nanotechnology is high demand in India or in usa.

How do you do coontails?

you use mascara

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Is it okay to use nanotechnology?

Yes okay

Why is nanotechnology controversial?

Unwise use of nanotechnology can be very dangerous..could cause bad reactions on different experiments.

Why do you get clumps in your eyelashes when you use mascara?

Because the mascara forms hardish lumps and when you brush it onto your eyes it stays there. Use a clear mascara over the top to brush away the clumps.

What is the difference between nanoparticles and nanotechnology?

nanoparticles are basicly microscopic particles. Nanotechnology is the technology used to manipulate these nonoparticles for human use.

How do you use mascara?

to apply mascara u get the brush and gently brush up against you eye lashes

Why do womens use mascara?

Mascara is used to darken, lengthen and thicken the lashes to open up the eyes.

What are some waterproof mascara names?

DON'T USE WATERPROOF MASCARA! It can make your eye lashes fall out.

What mascara does Cheryl Cole use?
