

How flowers attract pollinators?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Its the wind that carries the pollens. The flowers swells sticky substance that catches the pollen grains

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To attract pollinators

How do flowers attract pollinators to it for pollination?

the nectar.

What is the main job of the flowers?

To attract the pollinators.

Why do flowers need to attract pollinators?

This is an example of "Natural selection". Those flowers that don't attract pollinators die out, because they rarely get pollinated except by accident. So the only flowers that are left are the ones that exist symbiotically with pollinators.

Why do flowers have all that color?

To attract pollinators visually.

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Trees have bright flowers to attract the pollinators. specific types of pollinators are bees and hummingbirds.

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To attract (specific) insects (pollinators).

What purpose does the nectar produced by flowers serve?

To help attract pollinators.

What are some things that are colourful?

to attract pollinators

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To attract pollinators.

Why do wild flowers have attractive petals and colors?

The purpose of bright colours in the flowers is to attract the insects that act as pollinators.