

How is karma different from Samsara?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Karma relates to you. Karma is built through either thought, words or physical action or combinations of these at the same time. Anything you do in your life continuously builds karma, either good or bad based on what you are thinking, saying or doing.

Samsara in simple words is nothing but this world. Samsara = This world.

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Karma and Samsara are concepts from the ancient Hindu religion, which is still practiced in modern India.

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What is relationship between karma and samsara?

I think you mean brahman. Brahman is the ultimate realization, god, the unchanging lifesource or light that every human aspires to reach and dissolve into. Samsara is the environment we are in, with attachments, disappointments,agony, happiness, mostly things that are impermanent yet tie you down.

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The eightfold path is linked to samsara because if you do everything in the eightfold path you will get really good karma, which will help you in your next life

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Freedom from samsara has two parts. The first freedom is to be free from the material world and to live a spiritual life. To be free from the pain of the body, the misery of the mind and the agony of the ego, to be free from fear, worry, anxiety; from hate, anger, revenge, jealousy. This freedom from samsara liberates us from sorrow. But the ultimate freedom from samsara is to realize we are not the body, mind and ego, we are the Divine Soul. It is not to create any karma knowing that we are just an instrument of the Divine. When we are free from karma, we are free from rebirth, we are free from samsara. Samsara is a cycle of death and rebirth. Though we come to this samsara, this world, we must suffer. And therefore, ultimate freedom from samsara is liberation from this world and unification with the Divine.

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major belief of Hinduism are Dharma (righteous living) Artha (material prosperity) Kāma (enjoyment) & Moksha (liberation).

Where do Hindi people go when they die?

Hinduism, the predominant religion in India where Hindi is spoken, believes in the cycle of death and rebirth, known as samsara. Based on one's actions in life, they may be reincarnated into different forms until they achieve liberation or moksha from the cycle of samsara. Ultimately, the destination in the afterlife is determined by an individual's karma.

What is India's religious legacy?

Hinduism and Buddhism. The 5 major beliefs of Hinduism are: Brahman Multiple Gods Dharma (There is Universal Dharma and Individual Dharma) Karma Samsara Meditation will bring you closer to God

How do Hindus believe in reincarnation?

Hindus believe in samsara, an eternal cycle of birth, life and deaths or reincarnation, explains How Stuff Works. In Hinduism, each individual soul is considered immortal or eternal. Samsara is controlled by karma, which, in Hinduism, is the moral law of action and reaction.

You are doing a Hindu version of a snakes and ladders game for a school project in the game it has to include Karma Samsara and moksha any suggestions of how you do it?

If you land on a samsara space as its reincarnation you could go back to the beginning. For Karma you could roll again because its a counting up of all the good things and bad things you have done - related to numbers. And for moksha you could go and join the person who is furthest - as this means joining your soul to the highest god.