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I think what you are asking is how long you'd still be conscious if your heart were instantly removed a la Apocalypto or that Indiana Jones movie with the human sacrifice. There were experiments conducted with those who were beheaded by a guillotine, coming out to something like 30 seconds consciousness post-separation to the extent that the disembodied head would react to stimuli. This situation doesn't really apply to heart removal. Keep in mind, there are people who have lived with a still heart, surviving solely on the muscle contractions of arteries to circulate blood. Since the great vessels at the heart would be open in the case of a removal, the victim would bleed out very quickly, but the muscle contractions of the Carotid artery feeding the brain would keep the brain supplied with blood for a little while until blood pressure was no longer sufficient for blood flow to take place. So, probably about a minute until the heartless one couldn't respond to stimuli and an unknown amount of time until consciousness faded and stimuli could no longer be sensed. If, on the other hand, the great vessels were instantly connected in such a way as to permit normal blood flow and zero blood loss, the contractions of arteries would allow the heartless one to live much longer, especially if they laid down to take the vertical pumping load away (the amount of energy required to pump blood from the bottoms of your feet to the top of your scalp is amazing).

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15y ago
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2w ago

A person cannot live without a heart. The heart is vital for circulating blood throughout the body and supplying it with oxygen and nutrients.

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10y ago

A person cannot live with out a heart actually....

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How long can an elderly person live without water?

An elderly person can typically survive without water for only a few days. Dehydration can lead to serious health complications, such as organ failure, and may ultimately result in death. It is crucial for elderly individuals to stay properly hydrated to maintain their overall health and well-being.

How long does it take for natural death to occur without food or hydration?

Without food or hydration, the body can usually survive for about 3-4 weeks, though this can vary depending on individual factors such as age and health. Death typically occurs due to organ failure and severe dehydration. It is important to note that not providing food or water to a person is considered unethical and illegal in many places.

How long are you alive?

Man can not say how long he will live but the bible in Psalms say that mans life is three score and a half. That is seventy years, and the rest of the years are a bonus.

How long can an elderly person live who refuses to eat?

Without food, an elderly person may survive for a few weeks to a few months, depending on their overall health and hydration status. However, prolonged starvation can lead to severe complications and eventual death. It is important to address the underlying reasons for refusing to eat and seek medical help to explore alternative forms of nutrition and support.

How long can you live on just an iv?

Living solely on an IV can sustain life for a prolonged period, but it is not sustainable in the long term due to the lack of essential nutrients that would be obtained from a regular diet. Additionally, prolonged use of an IV can lead to complications such as infections and vein damage. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider for guidance on proper nutrition and medical treatment.