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Most cakes can keep for a week (maximum) if stored properly.

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Q: How long to keep zucchini pineapple cake in refrigerator?
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How long will refrigerated zucchini keep?

If it is kept frozen, in a properly sealed container and is not subjected to temperature fluctuations (as in a self-defrosting freezer), it can keep for a year and longer. Try to consume it before the next crop comes in. It can actually "keep" much longer, but the quality will deteriorate.

Can zuchinni be cut ahead of time?

Yes, You can cut zucchini ahead of time, but be sure to keep it in water in the refrigerator.

How long will fresh pineapple keep out of the refrigerator?

Fresh cut pineapple could last up to 5 days in the fridge. Exactly how long will depend upon the fridge temperature and any contamination that might have occurred. I have had cut pineapple keep for nearly two weeks, but that might be an exception.

How long does pineapple juice keep in the refrigerator?

This fruit does not keep long. Because of the acid in the pineapple this fruit will go sour fast. Two to 3 days kept in an air tight container. You can use a plastic bag too.

Are you supposed to store a baked cake in the refrigerator?

not necessarily. It depends on the type of cake. If it's a cake that consists of main ingredients that you would typically store in the fridge (ie cream or cheese) then yes, definitely keep it in the fridge. If it's a regular baked cake, like a chocolate cake, then you could leave it out. Put it on a plate or platter, whatever you may have, and cover it with foil or saran wrap. Keep it in a relatively dry place and it should be fine for at least a week if you keep it covered.

Why do you keep cake in the refrigerator to prevent bacteria?

low temperature ti stops bacterial cell from dividing.Refrigerators dont kill bacteria like heat but it stop them from replicating avoiding the contamination.

How long does homemade custard filling for a cake keep?

Should last a few days in the fridge, I wouldn't keep it longer than a week.

Do you keep shrimp precooked shrimp in water in refrigerator overnight?

Keep them in the refrigerator but not in water, just in a sealed container.

Why you should keep the blood in the refrigerator?

to keep it fresh

Do you keep a pineapple top in the shade or the sun?

In the sun.

Why do you need the refrigerator?

You need the refrigerator so you can keep food fresh for longer periods of time. You can keep almost anything in it.

How to keep defrosted ham?

You should keep a defrosted ham in the refrigerator. It will last in the refrigerator for between three and five days.